Pamela's Ski Tips for New Skiers

Brush Your Heels Out to Make a Wedge

Make your first ski experience a success!

Brush your heels out into a wedge shape, turn your feet and arms up, and wedge to stop!

Your Weekly Ski Tip With Pamela!

Pamela Disera Snow School Director

Pamela Disera

Snow School Director
Responsible for Snow Valley's ski, snowboard & race programs.

Video Transcript:

Pamela Disera:

It is very exciting to learn a new sport, but it can also be a little bit nerve-wracking. So here are some helpful pointers that’ll make your first ski experience a success.

While I’m standing on my skis, I’m just nicely balanced, hands out in front. To move around the resort, all I would have to do is slide my feet, use my poles to push.

Now how do you stop? Easy.

Brush out the heels, make a wedge shape with your skis.

Brush out the heels, make a wedge shape. What I need to know is how do I turn?

I’m just going to steer the skis in the wedge steer. Hands out in front, head up. That’s how I turn. Again, stopping. Great big wedge.

So just remember all you need to do is brush your heels out into a wedge. Hands forward, head up. Look where you’re going.

I look forward to meeting you on the slopes from Snow Valley. I’m Pamela Disera.

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