Pamela's Ski Tips for New Skiers

Laying Tracks

Laying down clean pencil tracks in the snow. How do you feel edging?

A simple drill, stand with you skis hip width apart, roll your ankles and knees uphill, feel the weight on the downhill big toe and uphill baby toe, as you traverse the slope to get a feel for edging.

Your Weekly Ski Tip With Pamela!

Pamela Disera Snow School Director

Pamela Disera

Snow School Director
Responsible for Snow Valley's ski, snowboard & race programs.

Video Transcript:

Pamela Disera:

I love the conditions where I lay two great pencil marks in the snow. I’m talking clean edge lines, and this snow is perfect for that.

So I want you to try this. We’re getting away from the slippery part of the turn. We’re talking more edge.

I’m going to be hip with the part with my stance I’m going to feel when I roll my knees and my ankles, my big toe, my downhill ski and gauge, or I can feel that pressure on there and the baby toe on the uphill ski.

This is a drill that will help you feel edges. I’m standing with my skis hip width apart. I’m rolling my ankles and my knees up the hill. I feel weight on my downhill big toe and my uphill baby toe.

So give this drill a try. It’s a great way to feel your edges and lay some pencil lines on the snow.

I look forward to meeting you on the slopes

From Snow Valley, I’m Pamela Disera.

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