Pamela's Ski Tips for New Skiers

Tips for Skiing the Bumps

3 Quick tips for a more confident time in the bumps!

Your Weekly Ski Tip With Pamela!

Pamela Disera Snow School Director

Pamela Disera

Snow School Director
Responsible for Snow Valley's ski, snowboard & race programs.

Video Transcript:

Pamela Disera:

Wow, that is so much fun. Skiing the zipper line in a bump run is exhilarating.

Here are three pointers you need to know.

Quiet upper body, hands out in front for a good solid pole plant, and then your legs bring them in a bit tighter.

Your skis need to be parallel and your feet are going to have to move quickly. So much fun.

So look, my body is quiet, my arms are moving, solid pole plant, and my legs are moving very quickly and in a parallel stance.

Again, quick feet, quiet body, strong pole plant. Wow.

I look forward to meeting you on the slopes.

From Snow Valley, I’m Pamela Disera.

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